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Dynamite Programmer

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The fastest and most reliable smartcard programmer in the market.

Programs all the Smartcard PIC-based (Gold, Silver etc.) and ATMEL-based (Fun,ATMega) throught the USB port.

Compatible Smartmouse/Phoenix at 3,58/3,68/6,00 Mhz and clock can be set to different frequencies in the future. 

Programs and REPAIRS (*) TitaniumCard.

USB Connection no need for External Power Supply.

Connects to the RS-232 Serial Port forSmartmouse/Phoenix Emulation.

Faster than the Infinity on most of Smartcards. 

Dedicated drivers. 

Full Speed USB (all programmers till now are Low Speed)

Firmware Autoupdate with software releases.

Comparing Table:

(*) this procedure allows you to repair most of the Titanium Cards that do show the ATR anymore. This funtion it´s not 100% guaranteed and if your purchasing is for this function ONLY we suggest you not to buy it!

Supported Smartcard


Wafercard (16C84, 16F84, 16F84A)

Goldcard (16F84/16F84A + 24C16)

Silvercard (16F876/16F877 + 24C64)

Greencard (16F876/16F877 + 24C128)

Greencard2 (16F876/16F877 + 24C256)

Bluecard (16F84A + 24C64)

CanaryCard (16F628 + 24C16)

EmeraldCard (16F628 + 24C64)

Singlepic (16F876, 16F627, 16F628).


Funcard/Funcard2 (AT90S8515 + 24C64)

PrussianCard/Funcard3 (AT90S8515 + 24C128)

PrussianCard2/Funcard4 (AT90S8515 + 24C256)

PrussianCard3/Funcard5 (AT90S8515 + 24C512)

PrussianCard4/Funcard6 (AT90S8515 + 24C1024)

PrussianCard5/Funcard7 (AT90S8515 + 2*24C1024)

JupiterCard (AT90S2343 + 24C16)

JupiterCard2 (AT90S8535 + 24C64)

FunCard ATmega161 (ATmega161 + 24C64)

FunCard ATmega163 (ATmega163 + 24C256)

FunCard Atmega8515/Funkey2 (Atmega 8515 + 24C256)

BlackCard (ATmega128 + 24C256)

Other Smartcards you can program using 3rd party software in Phoenix/Smartmouse emulation thorught RS-232 port.





Basiccard 4.5D

All other cards accessible by Phoenix or Smartmouse / 3.58, 3.68 or 6.00MHz.

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